Search found 5 matches
- Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:10 pm
- Forum: Class Guides
- Topic: [Frost DK] STR vs ARPEN
- Replies: 0
- Views: 54839
[Frost DK] STR vs ARPEN
Not sure where else to post this, class guides seemed like an appropriate thread. Anyways, I've seen a lot of guides, some say str some say arpen. I was just curious as to which is better at what gear lvl and all that. I know the rotation and everything but was curious about whether strength or armo...
- Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:00 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: Inactive
- Replies: 0
- Views: 12191
This is a notice for the GM's of <Strips for Silver> :
This is 'Isuckatnames' and 'Deathfurry' here. Just wanted to let you guys know I'll be afk from the game for about 5 weeks or so due to work so don't g kick for inactivity lol. That's all, thanks
This is 'Isuckatnames' and 'Deathfurry' here. Just wanted to let you guys know I'll be afk from the game for about 5 weeks or so due to work so don't g kick for inactivity lol. That's all, thanks

- Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:09 pm
- Forum: Connection Issues
- Topic: Game crashes after update
- Replies: 1
- Views: 17665
Game crashes after update
Apologies if this isn't the right place for this issue. Wasn't sure where else to post this sort of issue. But, not sure if it's because it's a new patch or what but after updating to 2.6.0, my game will randomly crash and I get this message: "This application has encountered a critical error. Not e...
- Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:30 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: Unholy DK sub spec.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 24013
Re: Unholy DK sub spec.
Yes, sorry I forgot to mention for PvE, my bad lol. So frost is the better sub spec? Ok thanks for the reply, much appreciated 

- Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:52 am
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: Unholy DK sub spec.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 24013
Unholy DK sub spec.
[Unholy DK] Sub spec suggestions Junkdk here in-game. I was just curious about which sub spec is better for Unholy, would it be blood or frost? I am currently sub specced in blood and i average about 7-8k or so. I will assume it does depend on what sort of gear I have on and what my current stats ar...