i am addressing to people that play on this server , to GM team and to Janitor : remember the days when this server had 10 - 15 battlegrounds every day ? there were good days and everyone was happy to play here , people who like raids , go to raids , people who like BGs , go to battlegrounds . It was free to queue on BattleGrounds , there were no one single restrictions to queue , on number on people in queue log , there were no one single restriction to queue on multiple battlegrounds , in one single word there were not exist any restrictions on battlegrounds and pvp players were happy to play battlegrounds every day . Than , what happens , because of false complains from some pvp players that anyway they were playing BGs on other server , and come here only for ICC raids , they complain , complain , complain until BGs start to get restrictions even from queue , even from multiple queue , even from everything , until they become completely dead . And who win from this manipulation ? The people that play here for raids only , and play BattleGrounds on other server , that is full of battlegrounds , where battlegrounds are starting every 5 minutes . So i suggest let put restrictions on raids too :
1 - first people that leave raid , automatically raid ends .
2 - first people that is kicked out from raid after killing first boss , automatically raid ends .
3 - first wipe , raid ends .
Let put this restrictions on raids too , what do you say ? Let destroy raids , the same way how BattleGrounds were destroyed by restrictions.
If i want to play AB , WSG , Eye of storm , etc , 1 v 10 , why do you stop me ? for what reason ? If i want to play 3 v 4 in BGs why i am stopped to do this ? Allot of people that like BGs left this server because they can not enter in BGS because of restrictions in queue . We wanna play 2 v 3 in WSG , AB , Eye of storm , why we are not allowed to do this ? We don;t want Arena , we want battlegrounds . Why we are stopped to play what we like ? Because of some false complains from people that play battlegrounds on other server and come here only for raids and they are happy to see no battlegrounds here ? OK , let it be so ............................
Make BattleGrounds Free
Re: Make BattleGrounds Free
Hello Guntar
Thank you for your suggestions about battlegrounds.
Be reasurred that we do care about the PvP community here on Mania.
I will talk to Janitor about your suggestion
Thank you for your suggestions about battlegrounds.
Be reasurred that we do care about the PvP community here on Mania.
I will talk to Janitor about your suggestion
Kind Regards
Game Master Zinius
Discord: janitor_wowmania
E-mail: [email protected]
Discord: https://discord.gg/R6DcdcP
Game Master Zinius
Discord: janitor_wowmania
E-mail: [email protected]
Discord: https://discord.gg/R6DcdcP
Re: Make BattleGrounds Free
Just to be more specific , i give it 3 example of how Raids can be restrictioned in some ways to see how nonsense is to put restrictions on battlegrounds . Why to put restrictions on battlegrounds that anyway were playing very little , in battlegrounds enter only players that like to play battlegrounds , who like to play Raids , they go to raids , who like to play Arena , they go arena , so why not to let battlegrounds free for people that like to play battlegrounds ? That is my point .
Raids are free to play , Arena is free to play , only BattleGrounds were restrictioned to queue number and multiple bg queue , that were free to queue >> long time ago <<< . If we want to play 2 v 3 in WSG , Arathi Basin , Eye of storm , etc , let people to play , why to stop people play ? If i want to play 1 v 2 in any BGs , let people to play what they like . Who not like , leave it BG and go play Raids or go play Arena . Leave BattleGrounds free for people that like to play BGs .
Raids are free to play , Arena is free to play , only BattleGrounds were restrictioned to queue number and multiple bg queue , that were free to queue >> long time ago <<< . If we want to play 2 v 3 in WSG , Arathi Basin , Eye of storm , etc , let people to play , why to stop people play ? If i want to play 1 v 2 in any BGs , let people to play what they like . Who not like , leave it BG and go play Raids or go play Arena . Leave BattleGrounds free for people that like to play BGs .
Re: Make BattleGrounds Free
Personally, I like this idea. 

Re: Make BattleGrounds Free
It’s disheartening to see so many players leave the server due to these restrictions. We want to play battlegrounds, not arenas. Let’s work together to find a solution that accommodates everyone’s preferences, ensuring that both PvE and PvP players can enjoy their experiences.