To make WoW-Mania even greater we want to expand our Dev and Test team.
Do you want to be a Tester?
Please connect to our discord server here and then send a Private Message (PM) to our Test Team Leader, Maniac#4655
Do you want to be a Dev?
We search for someone who has experience in C++, TrinityCore (Including SmartAI/SAI/Smart Scripts), TrinityCore Database and MySQL.
You need to be experienced in at least 2 of the above!
Please connect to our discord server here and then send a Private Message (PM) to me, Janitor#2871
Thank you,
We are looking to expand our Dev and Test team!
We are looking to expand our Dev and Test team!
Admin Janitor
Architect of Disruption Since 1995
Discord: https://discord.gg/R6DcdcP
Skype: wow-mania.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://fb.me/wowmaniauk
F.A.Q: http://wow-mania.com/faq
Architect of Disruption Since 1995
Discord: https://discord.gg/R6DcdcP
Skype: wow-mania.com
E-Mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://fb.me/wowmaniauk
F.A.Q: http://wow-mania.com/faq