Game Master application

Tester, Developer and Game Master applications!
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Game Master application

Post by Janitor » Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:23 pm

Would you like to assist the Server as a Game Master?
Then you have come to the right place!

Here are a few things you need to know. It is important that you read this carefully.


1. Applicants must be 20 years old, or older.

2. Have at least one level 80 on WoW-Mania.

3. Communication skills. Being a Game Master requires that you deal heavily with the public. Do you know how to handle the many problems that come with players?

4. Self-control. You are sure to come across players who will be difficult to deal with. For this reason, you must have self-control. You must be able to handle both the easy and hard times that come with serving the public as a Game Master.

5. Good work ethic and time to invest. As with any job, you need to have a good work ethic. You must be willing to put the needed work in to provide exceptional player service.

6. Patience. It is important to have the patience for those players that no one really wants to deal with. The more patient you are, the better off you will be as a Game Master.

7. Caring. Players are looking for someone who actually cares about them and someone who is willing to help. They don't want to interact with someone who is just there for status an power.

8. Knowledge of WoW-Mania. WoW-Mania is a 3.3.5a Blizzlike server, but we offer custom features that need to be understood in order for them to be explained. Do you know what features we provide? Are you able to answer questions about them?

9. Knowledge of World of Warcraft. Game Masters is a symbol of infinite knowledge. Although you cannot know everything about World of Warcraft you are expected to know enough to give enough information to provide answers about the game. Extensive knowledge and understanding of the game are absolutely essential in becoming a Game Master.

10. Teamwork. Nothing that is done goes without everyone having their say. Sharing opinions and providing feedback and working as a team is one of the strongest features the WoW-Mania GM team has. If you struggle with teamwork, there is no reason for you to apply.

11. Accepting being managed. You will not be your own boss. Though you will work alongside others, some of your actions will have consequences. Therefore there are things you are strictly unauthorized to do. You will need to be okay with being told right from wrong and take constructive criticism.

12. Customer Appreciation. Being a Game Master will require that you have a general appreciation for players. After all, they are the ones who will be providing you with the position. Without them, your position would not be necessary.

Application Rules:

1. Do not contact any staff members in-game about your application.
This can result in an Automatic Decline & Deletion of your application.

2. Do not advertise your Game Master application.
Your position is a secret and you should not tell people you applied or got accepted/declined.

3. Applications must be spaced as they appear in the Application Form.
We don't want messy applications. This can result in your application being ignored.

4. Application forms must be fully completed and in detail.
Incomplete or Applications submitted without effort will result in your application being ignored

5. Applicants must be willing to be transparent with the team with your identity.

How to Submit and Application:

Copy the Application Form from below and fill it in.
Then send your fully completed application form to Aymelek via E-Mail.

[email protected]
Admin Janitor
Architect of Disruption Since 1995

E-Mail: [email protected]


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Posts: 64
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:46 pm

Re: Game Master application

Post by Janitor » Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:24 pm

Time-zone/ Location:
Main Character Information:

  • Name:
  • Race:
  • Class:
  • Level:
  • Time played (/played):
  • Achievement Points:

Method of Contact:


Why do you want to become a part of the team?

What have you done to contribute to the server?

If your friends could describe you in one word, what would it be?

Are you experienced with the position you're applying for?

How many hours a week are you available for GM activities?

What Server Times fit the best for your activity?

In what aspect would you like to specialize yourself in and why? A. Tickets B. Events C. Development D. Forum E. Other?

If you were the server owner for 1 day, what would you change?

What are Maniac Points?

Where can you spend Maniac Points?

How can you earn Maniac Points?

What are Vote Points?

Who is the Owner of WoW-Mania?

Name at least 3 Game Masters from WoW-Mania:

Ticket Responses

Ticket: 1337 Created by: Dragontank Created: 7h11m22s ago Last Change: 44m18s ago
Ticket Message: [Hello, my friends account is unexpectedly closed. The same happened to my account, but Janitor un-banned my I.P address. He explained that it was due to my password being entered incorrectly too many times. Can you please un-ban my friends' account? His account name is “DeathlyDragon”.]


Ticket: 5497 Created by: Cainam Created: 14h19m59s ago Last Change: 9h57m8s ago
Ticket Message: [Quest bugged: [The Light of Dawn] Quest ID: 12886 Hello, thank you for reviewing my ticket, I understand you’re busy so I'll try to keep this short! I've been here for almost an hour now trying to troubleshoot my way past this quest but there is just simply nothing that I can do about this! Can you please help me complete my quest! Thank you!]


Ticket: 3674 Created by: Carrotman Created: 2h9m12s ago Last Change: 1h9m12s ago
Ticket Message: [Hello am missed MP ponts. am sure not yu kan halp me but I donate day agos via paypal with janitor and 5000gp and 50mp I get gold but not MP. Can help?]


Ticket: 3674 Created by: Vigilante Created: 1h55m9s ago Last Change: 5m9s ago
Ticket Message: [GOLD HACKER! Player named “Asjiesjpqs” just traded me 10,000 gold! Is level 13, Blood Elf Mage. No interaction, was just traded. I didn’t accept the trade, you can check!]



Scenario #1

A player is triggering our Anti-Cheat system.
[AC] Thehackamasta is a Possible Cheater!
After you .appear Thehackamasta you notice that his character is using cheats.

- Speed cheat
- Teleport cheat
- Fly cheats

What do you do?

Scenario #2

Players in world chat are misbehaving in a very volatile, vile manner. There are a few instigators:
Player: Toxin
Player: Atroll
Player: Chaosic

They are being disrespectful and breaking the rules of world chat.
What do you do?

Scenario #3

Atroll, and Chaosic have stopped. But after what you did for Scenario #2, Toxin continues his behavior. Taking no heed to your authority, he continues to wreak havoc in world chat. Swearing, discriminating, etcetera.

What do you do?
Admin Janitor
Architect of Disruption Since 1995

E-Mail: [email protected]

