How to Vote

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Game Master
Posts: 111
Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:29 pm

How to Vote

Post by ZINIUS » Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:27 pm

「 ✦Vote Tokens missing ✦ 」
Q: Why are the vote tokens not always given even though i vote every 12 hours?
A: There are a few reasons for this...
- You are voting to early, you should only vote every 24 hours and NOT every 12 hours as stated by the vote sites. This is misinformation and confirmed by our testers.
- You maybe not logging into game after voting to collect your vote tokens. which will mess with the token delivery.

Steps to voting are:

Note: Vote times are important, as confirmed by our testers.

1. Vote AFTER 11:00 Realm Time.
2. Vote for all 7 site, giving time for the votes to count.
3. Refresh the Wow-Mania site to see your Vote count on the top left of the page.
4. Log into game to collect your Vote Tokens.
5. Relog AFTER 23:00 Realm Time to collect extra vote token (without voting)
6. Rince and Repeat the next day.
Kind Regards
Game Master Zinius

Discord: janitor_wowmania
E-mail: [email protected]

