Hello, i have the quest The Tome of Divinity where you have to rez Henze Faulk (https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=17...me-of-divinity)
I deleted the Symbol of life by accident, and now i can't get it back.. I've tried abandoning the quest and taking it again but it does not help.
Anyone have a solution?
Can't complete The Tome of Divinity (Pala Quest)
Re: Can't complete The Tome of Divinity (Pala Quest)
Hello Frezeo
Please make an in game ticket for help with this issue
Please make an in game ticket for help with this issue
Kind Regards
Game Master Zinius
Discord: janitor_wowmania
E-mail: [email protected]
Discord: https://discord.gg/R6DcdcP
Game Master Zinius
Discord: janitor_wowmania
E-mail: [email protected]
Discord: https://discord.gg/R6DcdcP
Re: Can't complete The Tome of Divinity (Pala Quest)
I remember strugling with this as well. And some guildies also encountered problems with this quest, I recall.
I believe I just checked wowhead. And somehow I got the quest done.
I believe I just checked wowhead. And somehow I got the quest done.